Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Professionals


The aim is to shoot the targets that moving around the various assault courses with your sniper rifle. But to gain more points you have to shoot the targets with greater accuracy and as soon as possible. Also you can score double the points if you shoot with the SNIPER MODE ON. The game is set in a different location in every level. So try and complete all the levels.
· Aim And Shoot = Mouse (left click button)
· Toggle Sniper Mode = Space Bar
· Reload = Shift Key

The Professionals II

The game is highly addictive and you need some professional skills to clear each level by surviving against well equipped enemies. The best strategy is to shoot them on the spot otherwise they can give you hard time. Also don't forget to keep an eye on the energy status and reload immediately to avoid failure. Good Luck...
· Walk = Left / Right Arrow Keys
· Crouch = Down Arrow Key
· Enter Door = Up Arrow Key
· Run = Left / Right Arrow Keys + S Key
· Shoot = D Key
· Reload = R Key

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